Welcome to
The Bridge Church
in Winnipeg
At The Bridge Church, we believe that the church is a community to belong to rather than an event to attend.
We believe that church is a place for people from all walks of life, from all kinds of backgrounds and with all sorts of baggage. So if you're worried if you will fit in, we promise you that you are exactly the type of person we exist to serve.
Finally, we believe that the church is a community for all generations and so we both involve our children in worship, but also provide them with their own opportunities for learning and discovery.​
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM for live worship. All are welcome, come as you are, and meet Jesus in his people.
Oh God, with all our hearts we long for you.
Come, transform us to be, Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, mission-focused people, multiplying disciples everywhere.
Vision Prayer
Contact us
The Bridge Church
is meeting at
472 Kirkfield Street Winnipeg MB
Voyage Funeral Home